Tăietura Turcului Street is searching for its destiny among the houses on the hill, flooded by gardens and new, high-density apartment developments that enhance the role of the street. It crosses the hill from Grigorescu neighborhood to the area of the industrial park of Tetarom, towards the Ethnographic Museum and Baciu neighborhood. It still hasn’t found its destiny, and in the middle of this searching process, R family is trying to imagine a long-lasting house. Three generations can settle in order to take care of the garden, to rest enjoying the calmness of the garden, or to spend the freedom of youth with friends. The house was drawn seeking perspectives and moments of sunlight in multiple inside-outside relationships. Situated on a slope, the house is prefaced towards the street by a volume inside of which anything can happen, studio, parties, office, hobby. The house will not be built because during the project we have found out that the neighbors were planning to develop a terraced housing complex and all the dreams about privacy were washed away…